White chair with names written on it in permanent marker.

Central Church Mission Expansion

God is building something beautiful for the next generation of believers. Join us as we embark on this journey to pray and give toward the next season of ministry together.

Our oikos.
Our why.

When God strategically placed you in your family, job, neighborhood, class, sports team, or friend group, He chose to use you to further His Kingdom. The lost people in your relational world desperately need to experience and know Jesus. That’s the reason we’re expanding our mission — our oikos is our why.


  • Pray that we would not lean on our human understanding.

    Proverbs 3:5-6

  • Pray that we’d be aligned with God’s will for this church.

    Romans 12:2

  • Pray that our leadership would be led by God’s wisdom.

    Colossians 3:2

Building Plans

Your Pledge

We’re asking Central’s congregation for two pledges:

  • A pledge to PRAY. Prayer is a non negotiable for us. Entering into the next season of ministry is impossible without God, and we want to partner with what He’s up to in our community and world. Pray for the people who are far from God in your relational world.

  • A pledge to GIVE. We’re raising $25MM to complete this project, and we’re over halfway there! Your commitment to give over the next 3 years will allow us to complete the project without long-term debt.

Ready to give?

Once you’ve submitted your pledge, the next step is setting up your financial giving. Check out the options below for fulfilling your financial pledge with a gift toward the Central Church Building Expansion fund.


We’re collecting answers to the most frequently asked questions here, and we’re fielding new questions all the time.

Check them out and email missionfacility@centralsf.org if there’s anything else we can answer.