Give to Mission Expansion

Once you’ve submitted your pledge, the next step toward giving is setting up your financial giving. Check out the options below for fulfilling your financial pledge with gifts toward the Central Church Building Expansion designated fund.

Questions? We’d love to help.

Our finance team is available and happy to assist you with any questions about pledging or giving toward the Mission Expansion campaign.

Call (605) 336-3378
Schedule a meeting with the finance team during office hours

  • Online Giving

    Set up your ACH, credit, or debit card transaction on our Subsplash payment portal.

    Please ensure “Building Expansion” is the fund designated before you submit.

  • Cash

    Envelopes are available at secure boxes in the Worship Center, Oakwood Chapel, Concourse, and West Doors. Clearly note “Building Expansion” and your name on the outside of the envelope.

  • Check

    Note “Building Expansion” in the memo of your check. Drop in one of the secure offering boxes at Central or mail to:

    Central Church
    ATTN: Finance Department
    3102 W. Ralph Rogers Rd.
    Sioux Falls, SD 57108

  • Planned Giving

    By making a planned gift, you may be able to benefit from potential tax advantages. Consider gifting stocks, mutual funds, QCDs, agricultural assets and more.

    Email with questions or requests.