Steering Committee Members & Minutes

After a season of prayer to discern God’s direction for ministry growth at Central Church, the Board of Elders formed the Mission Facility Steering Committee in March of 2023. The committee is made up of active members of the Central Church who meet regularly to pray together, review building plans, decide communication strategies, and move Mission Expansion efforts forward.

Questions, concerns, or comments for the committee? Email

Mission Facility Steering Committee

Bill Smith
Former Elder, Co-Chair of Steering Committee

Tom Rich
Executive Pastor, Co-Chair of Steering Committee

Jarrod Smart
Elder, Property Board Chair, Construction Company Owner

Catherine Dekkenga
Former Trustee Member, Architect

Bob Kiner
Chairman of the 2006 Expansion

Reggie Kuipers
Trustee Member, Commercial Realtor

John Barker
Former Elder/Treasurer

Jon Hiatt
Former Elder, Major Gifts Officer

Mandy Budig
FCA Staff Member

Robbie Veurink
Structural Engineer

Kathie Klock
Former Property Board Member

Eric Yunag
Vice Chair of Elder Board

Rachael Weiland
Trustee Member, Digital Communications

Ashley Flynn
Major Gifts Officer

Project Partners

“Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Proverbs‬ ‭15‬:‭22‬ ‭NIV‬‬

A key part of this project was partnering with architecture and construction partners who would faithfully guide us using their expertise in building projects. TSP, Inc. & Journey Construction were hired mid-2023 to develop a master plan and determine project costs as we navigated the exploration phase of Mission Expansion.

Steering Committee
Meeting Minutes