Oikos Stories

  • Cory Stephens

  • Kade Bullion

  • Brody Frick

  • Frankie Chen

3102 Magazine

We’ve compiles stories of how God is working at Central Church in our latest 3102 magazine.

  • Central Stories

  • Next Gen Summer Recap

  • 1 Chronicles 29 Article

  • Origin of Oikos

  • Expansion Renderings

  • Volunteer Spotlight

  • Upcoming Events

3102 Stories

We asked these 4 what God has been up to in their lives. Read more below.

  • I grew up in a loving family with two siblings and amazing parents who provided opportunities for us and enabled us to pursue our passions. I had a solid foundational understanding of Christianity having grown up in the church, but I was twenty years old before I ever heard the phrase “relationship with Jesus”. 

    The behavior and actions of the first twenty years of my life were primarily driven by a desire to feel seen, wanted, and loved, rooted deeply in a lie that the Lord would later reveal. The years leading up to my salvation were spent seeking validation in friendships, relationships, sports, academics, often feeling like I could never quite cut it. Eventually, my sophomore year of college, I encountered a hard experience that completely shattered my world as I knew it. This led to about nine months of the lowest point in my life where I was without hope and making reckless decisions fogged by drunken nights. 

    The summer between my sophomore and junior year of college was spent in my hometown. My sister lived in the next town over and I would frequently visit her throughout the summer because we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of their sweet baby girl. One visit while on a walk, I was sharing with her how low I was feeling, the hurt I had experienced a few months prior, and the impact it was having on me. At that point, she was about six months into her new relationship with Jesus and was eager to share the Gospel with me. She could see how lost I was, and having experienced the salvation of Jesus, she knew He wanted the same for me. The conversation didn’t last long because I essentially told her, “That’s great for you, but I’m not interested. I trust that God knows what I need to heal, but I’m pretty upset at Him and I don’t even want to pray to Him. Don’t talk about Jesus with me again.”

    A couple of months later, I started my junior year of college, continuing the destructive patterns I was living the prior semester. I returned home for winter break and by this time, I had a brand new baby niece! Each Tuesday evening, I would spend the night at my sister’s so that every Wednesday, I could enjoy taking care of my niece and admiring her preciousness. On Tuesday evenings, my sister and her family would go to their pastor’s house for fellowship and life group. I didn’t know what this “life group” thing was, but if my niece was going to be there, then count me in. Plus, I got a free, home-cooked meal! 

    I quickly discovered this was a group that loves reading the Bible and talking about Jesus - two things that were very foreign to me. I remember feeling surprised to hear people talk about Jesus with such enthusiasm and a true admiration of Him because that was never anything I had witnessed in my life. I was intrigued and curious, and found myself longing to have that same desire for Jesus. It was a familiar feeling from an experience in middle school at LifeLight with two friends. A man, with hands stretched high in the air and tears running down his face, was worshiping with Chris Tomlin as he sang “Indescribable”. I remember thinking, “This guy really loves God. I wonder what that feels like. I wonder if I could ever feel what he is feeling.”

    Those Tuesday evenings quickly turned into Sunday mornings, and each week I would drive to town for church on Sunday and return Tuesday evening for life group. The final Sunday sermon I attended before returning to school for spring semester, the pastor was preaching on being all in for Christ, explaining that you can be all in or not in at all, but you have to choose because there is no luke-warm. He ended the message by asking a critical question, “Are you all in for Christ?” It was in that moment that I not only realized my need for Jesus, but also my eternal destination if I did not make a choice to be all in for Christ.

    January 7th, 2014, the Tuesday after that sermon, I chose to be all in for Christ.

    Following that decision, Jesus completely broke some of the chains that were weighing me down. He changed my desires and priorities and aligned my heart with His heart. He breathed life into me and became my Source for living. The fullness that comes from Christ cannot be obtained any other way. Jesus says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 3:16), and when you surrender your heart to Him, you will experience that. 

    I can see Him in my story long before I ever knew Him. I can see how He was drawing Himself near to me and calling me long before I ever recognized His voice. He was calling me that night at LifeLight as I watched, in awe, that man worshiping Jesus and wondering if I could ever love Jesus like he does. He was calling me when I was in the lowest point of my life making reckless decisions. He was calling me when He planted the desire in my heart that winter break to continue going back to that life group. Ten years later, He is still drawing near to me and calling me back to Him when I wander. He is faithful, he never leaves or forsakes us, and He wants deep intimacy with us because He love us more than we could ever imagine.

    In recent years, God has revealed a deep lie that I have believed most of my life: No one can be trusted, and I am the only person I can rely on. After that revelation, He gently revealed to me how that lie translates into my belief about Him and how that impacts my relationship with Him. By believing this lie, I’m essentially saying that I do not, and cannot, trust that God loves me, wants me, desires me, meets my every need, and knows me better than anyone. Woof, right? This is the omnipresent God of the Universe (Hebrews 11:3). This is the God who rose Jesus from the dead (Matthew 28:6). This is the God who tells the wind to blow and the seas to calm (Psalm 65:7). This is the God who tells the clouds when to release rain; who tells the sun when to set and rise. This is the God who knew me before I was made (Jeremiah 1:5); who knit me together in my mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13); who designed me with intention and purpose. This is the God who calls me His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10); the God who says “You are mine” (Isaiah 43:1) and wants His best for me. 

    Doesn’t it sound counterintuitive to have a surrendered life to Christ, have assurance of salvation, love Jesus, desire a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him, and yet not believe that He can be trusted or that He cares? This is a conundrum that has left me feeling frustrated in my relationship with Jesus, lately. I have a deep desire for more intimacy with Him and recognize the lack of trust in Him caring prevents me from going deeper with Him. 

    It’s easy to feel shame because I love Jesus, so shouldn’t that mean I also trust Him? Shame doesn’t come from the Lord, though. So, although this is hard, there is sweetness in it. In my shame and doubt, God is revealing Himself to me and pulling this lie out of the darkness. He doesn’t want us to feel shame; He wants us to be free! By Him revealing this, He is making His presence known in this struggle, and “…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17). 

    All scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and all scripture is Truth (Psalm 119:160). Because of that, I can be confident in who God says He is, and I can be confident in who God says I am, even if I don’t feel it. Sometimes, we need to choose to believe God’s Truth even when we don’t feel it, and ask Him to help our unbelief (Mark 9:24). That is what I’m doing in this season, and I have confidence that God will come through because He says, “You will seek Me and you will find Me when you seek Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). He is faithful and He never stops pursuing us.


    Before I truly learned what it meant to know Christ, my life was what you might refer to as the “basic Christian lifestyle.” You go to church, attend Sunday school, and memorize all of the content needed to be confirmed. My life was full of the pressure of checking all of the boxes. If I did all of the right things, I would hopefully be on good terms with Christ. Additionally, being baptized as an infant gave me some temporary relief in entering the gates of Heaven, or so I thought. 


    As I started middle school, a few of my friends would attend youth group. Eventually I was invited, and it seemed like the right fit: a place where I could go and express my curiosity in Christ. I started to attend regularly and when I entered high school, I joined First Baptist Church in Emery because I finally felt I had a place of community in Christ. Throughout this, my dad fell ill and for about a year and a half, my home looked a lot different. I spent many weeks with friends and family so that my dad could receive the treatments he needed. That’s when my little knowledge of who Christ was turned into something much bigger; something I clinged to when nothing else made sense. When my father passed away in June of 2017, the Lord made evident His overwhelming love for me and what Jesus did for those who put their trust in Him. I was involved in mission work through First Baptist, and one trip in particular stood out to me. In Orange County, California, on July 18th, 2017, I put my trust in Christ as my Lord and Savior. 


    Even though I lost my father at a young age, there were so many good things brought to light during a dark time.. Don’t get me wrong, my life was drastically changed, but something was much different after giving my life to Christ. The song “Firm Foundation” comes to mind when they sing “I’ve got peace that makes no sense.” Knowing that if my earthly father can love me so well, I cannot imagine how much my heavenly Father loves and cares about me. That has opened my eyes to see the goodness of God, how rich His mercies are and that His grace overflows. Living life with the joy and peace that only comes from Christ is one of the most freeing things to experience. Micah Tyler sings “I want to be different, I want to be changed. ‘Til all of me is gone and all that remains, is a fire so bright, the whole world can see that there’s something different.” What better way to strike someone’s curiosity than to be different: joyful, patient, kind, gentle. 


    Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” This verse has always been something I have struggled with, but I think God has really been teaching me to follow through with what the verse is saying. I recently had a patient who shared a similar liking to this verse, and throughout our time together, it was evident the Lord was telling me to slow down and be still. Not everything needs to be sorted, and the Lord will make Himself known to me and others throughout this waiting period.


    I lived a life that wasn’t close to God. I grew up in a Christian home and went to a Christian school, but I couldn’t find satisfaction in anything I did. So I leaned on other things that I thought would give me satisfaction: girls, drinking, and other influences in my life that caused me to sin. 

    In the moment those things felt satisfying, but later I wouldn’t feel anything. I struggled with anxiety and depression, but then a voice told me to open up and read my Bible on a random summer day. I listened to that voice, and I felt true and holy satisfaction in the Word of God, and I haven’t looked back. It's helped me through so much and has changed every aspect of my life. God is still working in my life every day!


    I attended Passion Camp with my youth group, and I had such a great time expanding my relationship with God. On the last night they had an altar call, and I stood up and fully gave my life over to Christ.


    My life has changed from me just trying to be a better person by cleaning up bad language and bad habits. Since following Jesus, my number one goal is to do what He wants for my life. I try my best each and every day to be more like Christ!


    Even when God feels distant, that’s when your faith is going to grow the most. I really love the story of Job truly learning faith when he had absolutely nothing and could still trust in God’s plan. When I have experienced spiritual numbness, continuing to seek God and stay disciplined in His Word and in prayer is when my faith grows the most. I can still seek Him and His glory even when I don’t want to or don’t feel His presence.


    I’m in a stage of learning about Jesus’ death from a historical and medical perspective. Jesus literally dying on the cross and giving His body to save us from eternal death is something I take for granted way too often.


    I have been open about my faith with everyone I’ve come into contact with, and it’s been super good because I have been able to plant seeds in people’s lives to help them get into the Word and have a relationship with God. Other than me planting a seed, it’s all God!


    Before knowing Christ, I was only living for the approval of others. I cared so much about other people's opinions of me and how everyone perceived me. Everyday, I would intentionally wear certain clothes or say certain things just because I knew it would make people like me more. All I wanted to do was fit in and be like everyone else. As I was living for the approval of others, I became lost. I felt empty and drained from constantly play a part instead of simply being myself and embracing who the Lord created me to be.


    I always knew who Jesus was from a young age. I grew up in the church, and through out my life, I was heavily involved in it. I always believed in the Lord, but I wasn't a true follower. I began to follow the Lord during my sophomore year of high school. I had a group of friends that I should not have been friends with. That friend group led me down a dark road of gossiping, lies, and being very judgmental. When I left that group of friends, I found myself so lonely that I opened my Bible and started pouring my heart out to the Lord. The entire summer, I walked with the Lord and learned what it meant to be a true follower. The following year I started attending FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) and eventually became a leader my senior year.


    The way I live my life now, is all for the glory of the Lord. I make the choice everyday to be a follower of the Lord and be more like him everyday. In every situation, I find myself being more positive, joyful, and present. Although, I still have my moments of fear and anxieties, I have learned how to lean more on the Lord and not to put all the pressure on myself.


    This past December, my mom was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive thyroid cancer. When this happened, I didn’t tell anyone and just shut down. I lived every day as if everything was okay and that I was okay. My uncle was also diagnosed with cancer two months after my mom. The amount of fear I carried with me throughout this year because of the unknown has been overwhelming, but I have never felt as close to the Lord. I have witnessed Him not only in my life but also in the lives of my mom and uncle. I introduced my family to Central, and now they watch it every weekend online. I bought my uncle a Bible, and we talk about the Lord together. Illness is never a good thing, but I have never seen the Lord work in my family's life as much as He is right now. Throughout this journey, God has shown me how much He is walking right beside us every day and how even though horrible situations happen, He is still so good.


    Something I am learning about the Lord is that I do not have to go to Him as though I have it all put together. He does not want a fake version of me and He already knows when I don’t have it all together. The Lord wants the raw and real version of everyone. It has never been an easy thing to be vulnerable with people and even with the Lord, but I am learning the Lord has so much patience and kindness when i come to him with anything. He just genuinely cares and wants to know everything that is on our hearts.


    I find myself sharing my faith a lot with my family because of everything going on in our lives and because I would love to see them grow closer to the Lord. Recently, I’ve been having amazing conversations with my aunt about the Lord. My aunt often talks to me about my faith, and my first reaction is always to tell her that she can have faith too. We have ongoing conversations about the Lord, and I’m trying to help her learn more about who He is. With her curiosity about the Lord, I bought her a Bible, and we’ve had some Bible studies together. I am constantly talking to her about how good the Lord is, how I see Him working in my life, and she tells me how He is working in her life. It has been so fulfilling to see how much she is relying on the Lord as her husband undergoes cancer treatments and she takes care of her 6-year-old kids. Hearing her talk about prayers and what she is reading in the Word is just another reason why the Lord is so good and faithful.